Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Suji - still a good idea

It really seemed like a good idea at the time.

I was baking suji cookies and happily passing them out to the ladies at my folkdance class.

I got a kick out of their surprise and pleasure.

They then asked if I would make the cookies for them over Chinese New Year. They'd be very grateful because suji is simply hard to come by. That was long before there was any hint that I'd travelling anytime around January or February. So happily I said yes, it would be my pleasure.

Of course I will now be travelling. And the ladies were self-consciously saying that while they would be so happy to have the suji cookies for Chinese New Year, they totally understand I wouldn't have the time now.

It is true that I am somewhat pressed for time. But I couldn't bring myself to tell them that I am sorry that things have changed and I'd make it up to them after I got back.

So, I have been busy the last few days baking suji cookies. They got delivered to the ladies today. And it was gratifying to see their glee all over again.

So, in spite of spending a precious chunk of my time on this, it is still a good idea today.


wildgoose said...

It is sweet of you to still bake the cookies when you're pressed for time. :)

sinlady said...

wildgoose - i am just glad i managed. it will be too big a letdown to tell them i couldn't.

Anonymous said...

wow very stressed! but nice of u tho.

Welles Tan said...

Interesting blogging!

Anonymous said...
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sinlady said...

edpj - well, those ladies mean a lot to me :)

wellestan - thank you.