Saturday, January 16, 2010

Why men cheat

It's the sex, stupid.

Men who cheat on their wives mentioned in the article include actor Jude Law, former US President Bill Clinton, footballer Ashely Cole, talkshow host David Letterman and golf superstar Tiger Woods.

It could have been an interesting read on why men cheat. Instead, the three men interviewed for their story gave lame reasons: my wife and I were not getting along (duh), she and I worked in the same industry (duh), I am surrounded by groupies because I am an entertainer (duh).

All three eventually ended their affairs and stayed with their partners.

But I take exception to the juvenile way they tell their stories:

1. "We went out for meals and did that thing which happens between couples behind closed doors". (Really? What thing?)

2. "My wife has no clue". (Really?)

3. "I just find it hard to curb my physical needs." (Really?)

These men who drivelled their childish stories should be compared to the men at the start of the article who had been raked over the coals by the frenzied media and blood-lusty feminists?

When at no time did the men ever even acknowledged it's the sex, stupid?


Anonymous said...

A number of my guy friends think that sex does not equate love, and hence one night stands do not qualify as 'cheating' vs repeated rendezvous with the same third party, but merely a moment of weakness. In fact, a surprising number find it more acceptable for their wives to have a one time physical relationship than falling in love with some other random guy. The concept of which eludes me. I thought having a physical relationship is worse! I mean, think of the potential diseases the cheater is exposing his/her poor spouse to! - EDPJ

wildgoose said...

They're just making excuses and trying to portray themselves in a sympathetic light.

Admitting it's for sex means end of story, isn't it?

sinlady said...

edpj - the men are right: sex does not equate love. women have a hard time accepting this.

wildgoose - the men are not confessing to their wives! they are talking to the silly writer and will be kept anonymous. we the readers are not their wives do not deserve to be treated as stupid either.

suzie wong said...

there was a guy i know who did not think that cheating half a year ago is NOT cheating. He would brag about his rendevous to his gf and when she threw a otantrum he would say "why so upset, it happened half a year ago"....yes he WAS dating his gf already half a year ag

suzie wong said...

correction of line one "i used to know a guy who did not think cheating half a year ago was cheating"

sinlady said...

suziewong - oh i got stories about jerks like him too. and what i don't get is why the woman still with him since he shows no consideration about her feelings.

wildgoose said...

Sounds like time for coffee and cakes again. who's organizing next? =p

Suzie Wong said...

me, i think, but after Ms Sinlady comes back from states right?

sinlady said...

wildgoose+suziewong - yes! time for coffee and cakes again! march anytime?

wildgoose said...

Yes! Just not the first week of March. :)

zewt said...

at least they have excuse.... some dont.

sinlady said...

wildgoose - we'll work out the date.

zewt - what excuses are acceptable?