Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I'm OK I'm OK

It was a scary episode.

Tests by the ophthalmologist showed that I have bilateral visual field defects with normal IOP (intraocular pressure).

Accordingly, an MRI brain scan was ordered to eliminate all suspicious possibilities. The result: No MR abnormaility is detected in the orbits, anterior visual pathways as well as in the brain. There is no MR evidence of infarct or space-occupying lesion in the brain. In other words: no tumour, no stroke.

Additional comment: Mild prominence of CSF (Cerebral Spine Fluid) space in the optic nerve sheaths noted. Clinical correlation for any papilloedema is advised. In other words, the distortion of my eyeballs from a lifetime of high myopia has created a space in the optic nerve membrane, and this is the cause for the visual field defects. I am to be checked on a periodic basis for any change in this condition.

My episode of severe double vision was due to a decompensated squint which I likely brought upon myself for lying on my side to read in bed. Note to self : will read lying on my back only henceforth. And I will be OK.

Another fascinating fact about my brain gleaned from the scan: In the brain, the gray-white matter differentiation is preserved. In other words, my brain is intact. I am more OK than I thought possible. Wow!


Anonymous said...

now. lie on the other side then reading. ;p oh. with a bright light at the least please!

Anonymous said...

sorry!! posted too fast!!! typo!


now. lie on the other side to do reading. ;p oh. with a bright light at the least please!

Anonymous said...

I am delighted to hear you are OK!
If you had to discontinue your blogging I would be very sad - my morning routine on the computer consists of religiously checking your blog and medaze. You often make my day!!

wildgoose said...

All these scary sounding possibilities. Glad it's ok after all.
Now I must not read on one side too. :p

sinlady said...

imp - hehe. i think rotating sides will actually work. i cannot lay on my back for long stretches at a time.

anonymous - awww...so sweet to tell me:) thanks.

wildgoose - oh i know. and all because of laying on one side to read that brought on the double vision which btw cleared up on its own.

Anonymous said...

You got me worried for a moment.. Glad the brain is ok.(I cd have told you that!)

eatdrinkplayjunkie said...

i didnt know that lying and reading on one side can cause this problem! been doing that all my life! glad that everything is ok.

Anonymous said...

I lie on all sides to watch tv before i sleep...er any problem with that?

Good to know nothing's too bad

sinlady said...

mn - i got me really worried for 2 weeks too :) but ya, glad it turned out to be nothing.

edpjunkie - i did it all my life too. it has to be with getting old and the muscles do not spring back as easily anymore. so, don't lie on just one side.

suziewong- if one must lie down to read or watch TV, i guess the only good way is to do like you hehe

sinlady said...

mn - you have more confidence in my brain grey-white matters than me haha

Anonymous said...

Maybe u try to sit prop up with a pillow and read.....with lights on. may help

sinlady said...

d-bunny - thanks for tip :)it's just so hard to break old habits.