Thursday, November 13, 2008

Reality check

I don't deny my looks matter a lot to me.

I was a great looker in my day with a few beauty titles to my name oh all those years ago.

But the years march on. And the years can be cruel to womenfolk. I am not a young woman anymore, although I still turn heads on occasion (for the right reasons still, thank you.)

So I tell myself these last several years that when three young people - strangers - call me auntie in the span of one week, I will go for that face lift.

I discount the silly China sales girls, ok? What do they know? So that said, I am grateful the auntie test has not happened.

But what has happened is that several people have asked if I have put on weight recently. I have. The sweethearts followed that observation with "but you look good. You tall enough. Better don't be too thin when we get older. Or else face get wrinkled."

Sigh. I will HAVE to shed a few pounds. Then, if people start telling me I look wrinkled, I will consider that face job.


wildgoose said...

Hmm... I thot you're happy with the way you are. Don't let others affect you.
A facelift sounds so scary. I'm still mulling over teeth extraction and implanting mini-screws in my jaws for the braces...

sinlady said...

wildgoose - i am not unhappy leh. erh...i think our level of tolerance is different for different things. i cannot even think of what you are considering

Anonymous said...

yes, i'm sure the fact u are blogging about it, you are not unhappy. just wanna rant about some ppl can be quite silly. like that day one chirpy telemarketeer called my office to discuss about google ads, the call was passed by a colleague who said she should speak to "Ming". Yes, I understand "Ming" can be gender misleading but when call transferred to me, the silly girl said "Hi is this Mr Ming", and that's after I said "hello" for the rest of the conversation kenna takan!

sinlady said...

suziewong - silly, but actually they also quite disarmingly honest. i like that, you know?

oh, don't blame you for giving the telemarketeer hell. that is too annoying.

Anonymous said...

AIYOH. just do that face job if you like lah.

don't let other pple's comments affect u. you're too strong for that!

sinlady said...

imp - thanks. not affected at all. i just don't feel like putting up with the post op down time right now.

eatdrinkplayjunkie said...

no need for facejob lah! im sure YM will advise you against that, its too scary. why go through so much pain when u look good just the way u are (esp with asian genes we dont have much of a problem with excess skin on our faces anyway). just stick to minimal downtime stuff like botox or laser at the most...

sinlady said...

edpjunkie - thanks for compliment. there comes a time botox and laser not enough leh. btw, YM not against surgery and i don;t think it's scary. the only thing stopping me now is i am not willing to give up time. so, left to be seen whether i actually do face lift or not.