Wednesday, November 05, 2008

It's happening


wildgoose said...

Yay!! Somehow, I'm more excited than any election ever held in Singapore.

eatdrinkplayjunkie said...

im glad there was no 'accidental president' episode this time. im so a democrat!

Anonymous said...

and now, we want Mr President-Elect to wave his magic wand and save the world.

he might possibly be the smartest President that the Oval Office has seen for 3 terms.

sinlady said...

all - i wanted to see this but didn't think the American people will actually deliver. this is a historic moment for me in many ways.

wildgoose said...

So you've always supported Democrats? It's been nerve-wrecking alright with all the talk about the Bradley effect.

sinlady said...

wildgoose - the short answer is yes. i might pen my thoughts about it when i can articulate my thoughts in a cogent fashion.