Friday, November 21, 2008

On going natural

I did the Californian thing when I lived there. I did the beach thing, the pool thing, the suntan thing. I was gloriously tanned year round. But the combination of sun, sea and chlorine did serious damage to my once beautiful thick black tresses.

Sun-bleached and chlorine-stripped raven black hair is like sickly reddish brown burnt straw.

The hair dresser suggested I coloured my hair aubergine to give it depth. I loved it. So I carried on colouring my hair in the burgundy, violet, plum hues.

Well, colouring does its share of damage to hair too.

I did a drastic hair-colour thing in June - I had strips of hair totally bleached and then streaked in violet. The highlights were glorious.

Then they started to fade about 2 months ago and turned an HDB-auntie orange. I could not decide what next to do, so I left it alone. I also skipped the touch-up session because my hair really felt tortured.

I though I would "go natural" for a while; take a break from the tiresome demands of beauty regiments. I thought of the girlfriend who said she would not colour her hair anymore once she retired from work. I asked how much grey she has now. She said unflinchingly, "About 50%".

I realised I did not know how much grey I have. I coloured my hair before I had grey hair, and had kept it up. So, during this rest-the-hair stage, I found that I am about 20% grey. I am alright with that.

I also saw the shock on my girlfriend's face at lunch; she could not take her eyes off the now white/dull black/brown/HDB orange mess on my head. I could just see the questions in her eyes. "Are you alright? Is everything alright? You can tell me, you know."

My resolve to go natural vanished right then. I did a small touch up job to cover the white and black roots and will consider torturing my hair again soon.

I cannot do natural. I don't have the courage..


Anonymous said...

i used to have just that few strands sticking out and each time hair-dresser or friend spot the,, they always ask my permission to pull them out. Recently I realised there are just many more to pull out so I did not allow it! aiyo! stress!

wildgoose said...

I almost thought this is about going to a nudist beach. Lol...
I've always admired the glorious all-white hair some old ladies have, but if it bothers you, just keep coloring it lor. Whatever makes you feel good. :)

Anonymous said...

haha...the most interesting thing is i just came back from a hair colouring session and saw this. I usually do it once a year. Believe it or not, I have inheritance white hair problem. I started colouring my hair when I was 19 because I started to have patches of white since 19. Now I usually colour it dark brown. today I had dark brown with orange red highlights. The idea to keeping the colours is try not to do violet n red hue. They fade off fast and the hair have to be badly bleached before the colour can show. And after it fades, it will be horrible. Try dark tones...they stay longer and when they fade, it is still not so bad.

sinlady said...

suziewong - so frightening right?

wildgoose - nudist beach deleted from must-do list. decided ugly bodies outnumber good bodies, so why should I be providing the eye candy haha.

all-white is glorious. this mostly dull black with some white makes anyone look old and crazy.

d-bunny - what a coincidence :)
reason i can't decide what to do next is exactly because the violet and red hues - i just LOVE them. still not re-done highlight yet, but have to soon.

Anonymous said...

seriously, going natural is over-rated. it is also a relative concept. to some, going 'natural' means light powder and lip gloss to create that 'natural no make up look'. to the more 'bochap' ones, going natural means going out of the home to pick up the papers in one's PJs.

wg: hahaha, me too! i tot this was like a nudist beach entry.

imp said...

henna it black?

sinlady said...

edpj - strange i never associated going natural with nudist leh.

but yes, how much and do what to look presentable is a very continuum from one extreme to the other.

imp - oooh, glad u brought up henna. REMEMBER this important bit of info. NEVER NEVER use henna on bleached hair. it will turn icky pond scum green. and i cannot do a sinead o'conner these days.