Saturday, November 22, 2008

What I Say, What I Think

Case 1

she (on phone) : We have not heard from you for so long. I suppose you are busy.
me : Not busy at all. You must have been busy.
she: Yes. Been so busy. Been travelling so much. Times now so hard. I cannot retire like you. I have to save $5 million before I can think about retiring.
me : Oh, like that you have to work very hard for a very long time more.

My real thoughts: Oh go on. No one can save $5million.

Case 2

she (after dinner) : You guys make the most fantastic arrangements. I don't know how you do it.
me: Just pick a restaurant, phone friends, go. You can arrange the next one.
she: Oh yes. I will, I will. We really enjoy doing things with you guys so much.
me: We hear from you soon then.

My real thoughts: I am not holding my breath. Would have asphyxiated long time ago.

Case 3:

she (via sms) : Hi. Have not seen u guys in ages. Been busy?
me : Not busy at all. U dropped out of sight saying u very busy.
she: Sigh. Yes, move office then business slowing down. Then my son had to change school because he diagnosed with aspergers. Wish I not so busy. Do u see (so-and-so) and (so-and-so).
me : So u still busy and yes, I see (so-and-so) and (so-and-so)
she: Sigh. We have been dropped from everybody's radar. I guess we are no longer useful.
me : When were you ever useful to anyone?

My real thoughts : when were you ever useful to anyone?

One day, when I am really old enough to be excused for being cranky, I will say what I really think all the time. That day may not be so far away.


Anonymous said...

whoa.. she must have got a shock.

i wonder when i can ever say what is exactly on my mind (of cos now i cant, since im still working towards retirement.. saying what is on my mind is equivalent to suicide. and of cos i still cant in some family/friends setting, saying what is on your mind is construed as rude - even though people can act rudely towards others)

good for you, i look forward to the day when i can finally "let go" like u!

imp said...

hehehehehe. i like! i still sometimes say what i think. quite rude. but damn shiok.

sinlady said...

edpj - don't try to grow up like me lah. it's how people become old, cranky and alone. okok, maybe some people deserve direct retort.

imp - true lah. like can breathe out fully right?

wildgoose said...

The man always say I'm too direct for my own good. =p But I do think some ppl need to have it told to them.

Anonymous said...

lucky never put case 4 :
you : are u just having your party outdoor?
SW : Ya, only can afford the outdoor
you : aiyo, just say "outdoor is more suitable la"
SW : "but it's true ma, they want to charge moe if I want to book indoor"

heehee! :P

anyway, i must say u really have some rather annoying friends...oops..think I turning cranky too! LOL

sinlady said...

wildgoose- direct and sincere is always ok. sometimes i am just not in the mood to play nice with not nice people lor. sigh.

suziewong- haha. outdoors it is. i keep my trap shut.

these people i gripe about i don't really consider friends. just people who look for me to hang out with although i don't know what for since i don't play along with their silly pretend games.

Anonymous said...

That is not just as bad. I got wedding invites from people I have not even seen for the last 8 years. When I rejected, That fellow is unhappy somemore! Wat the heck

sinlady said...

d-bunny - this world got all kinds of unpleasant people lor. most time, cannot win, so ignore or else bitch about it in blog hehehe