Friday, February 27, 2009

What are you doing?

First came blogs. Then there were RSS feeds, followed by Facebook. And now, there is Twitter.

It may not be true that only morons are drawn to Twitter, but everyone on Twitter sounds like a moron.

I could not have expressed my loathing for constant updating of inanities any better.

I am old fashioned. I am still stuck in the blog era and if anybody out there wants to know what I am doing, they will have to actually read a few short paragraphs made up of sentences that convey my thoughts.


wildgoose said...

even the name Twitter sounds annoying. I never bothered to find out what it is.

Anonymous said...

hmmm. i considered twittering. but i didn't because i felt that 140 words are just too short for what i want to say. so no twitter for me. :S

sinlady said...

wildgoose - actually i first thought i was cute. until the twittering got incessant.

imp - that's the thing - info is meant to be kept short and very frequent. to the point that it becomes literally "twittering"