Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Me and the group

The truth is, I find it difficult to fit in with a group Any group. It's not like I don't want to belong. It's more like I am too different to be a real group member.

I can be on a team and work closely with a group. I can look and make-believe I am with the group. But I never feel I am really one of them.

So, when the dance friends suggested that I joined them to buy lunch for the instructor, I said yes with no hesitation. I've been in class with them about a year, and had never spent time with any of them outside of the dance sessions. I thought it was time I got to know them better.

Lunch should have been a straight-forward affair, right? We order food, we eat, we chat, we pay up, we split.

Well, no. Personality traits, strange beliefs and stranger practices came up.

The ringleader (take note that there is always one in a group) said for everyone to order their favourite dish from the huge menu. (Shades of democracy at play here.) When a dish was suggested, she vetoed the suggestion and offered an alternative. A better choice, she proclaimed. (Power play at work here.) And the others would agree. (Long established pecking order here).

They proclaimed that drinking water during the meal was harmful to one's health. I did not protest; I was trying my best to be one of the group, remember?

Believe me, every grain of rice felt like grit scraping the sides of my throat with every swallow.

They had huge appetites, and it was a delight to see them put away the food. But I really could not eat like them or I'd be zonked out for the rest of the afternoon from carbo overload. So they got on my case about not eating enough rice, which - you guessed it - was going to be detrimental to my health.

Finally, the food part of the meal was over. They ordered their hot coffees, teh's, milo's. I asked for an iced coffee (Please!! Finally, relief for my parched lips and dry throat). They said to me, "Do you know that you will get diabetes from drinking iced coffee?" I really and truly didn't. I also really and truly did not believe them. Besides I really and truly needed my iced coffee.

I got my way. I got my iced coffee. They eyed the melting ice in my glass mug with something between fascination and suspicion.

Well, as with all good things, the lunch had to come to an end. The group split up, meaning I went my way while the rest of them took off to explore the shops together. As a group.

See how I just have difficulty fitting into a group? Any group.


Anonymous said...

eat with me! eat with me! eat with me! i eat my burger patty and leave the bread. i order duck rice- i eat the duck and leave 3/4 of the rice untouched. and I NEED COLD water/drink ALONG with my meal.

plebians just don't get it. ;p

Anonymous said...

@imp: get what?



Anonymous said...

You know something, i am feeling exactly the same way as you do! Sometimes its like you join the group after they are formed like months ago, you will not integrate properly. When the group is doing something or talking, they conveniently leave you out. Either they forgot your existence or they simply feel that you are a little extra. The feeling sucks especially when there are like 2-3 a group, you join in, and most of them talk like you are transparent and you are totally excluded. You just want to leave and be alone but you just hate it. Totally hate it.

sinlady said...

imp - can! cam! cam! watch me eat one half of the burger bread haha.

jmalkavian - you *sputter* plebian, you!

bunny - this group not so bad lah. i think they trying to let me know they lup me :)

wildgoose said...

I can empathize with not fitting into any group. I don't like the need to conform or even appear to conform, or to agree to a common denominator that no one actually likes, but is just the least disagreeable.

Anonymous said...

wa! I'm surprised you didn't fake a tummy ache or something to say that you had to leave first. I guess u REALLY wanted to try to conform!

sinlady said...

wildgoose - we don't like and we don't need to, but at the same time, i don't want to come across as difficult and uncooperative. so i have time for the nice pple, even if they are not quite my pple.

suziewong - cannot lah! like i said, they really lup me haha

eatdrinkplayjunkie said...

i never quite fit into a group either, simply cos i hate taking orders from the ringleader and going anywhere with no purpose other than to just stick within the group. sometimes this 'bochap' attitude irks those who are more clique-ish and judgemental, which only serves me to avoid the group further.

sinlady said...

edjp - join the group of lone operators :)