Monday, February 02, 2009

A sign

This sign is displayed outside a tailor shop.

Pray tell, what are they saying???


Anonymous said...

chinese sign i is catch no ball, 错字累累 some more.

english sign lagi worse.

hahahahha. what's being high-tech gotta do with clothes???

dsowerg said...

The chinese sign makes more sense:

New competition in the market is coming in everyday

The many talents (so many like forests) are all fighting for recognition

Information and technology are all here

Respect the clothes before respecting the person (basically means first appearance counts)

sinlady said...

imp - it was more like what's muscle part got to do with clothes.

eve+line - wow! thank you!

Anonymous said...

hahaha....i like the "muscle" part..makes me very conscious and cautious

sinlady said...

suziewong - the muscle part thingy has become a joke in this household whenever u-know-who wears clothes that are too tight.

wildgoose said...

I understood neither language. But I think eve+line gave a good translation of the chinese part. Still doesn't explain technology and clothes relation!

sinlady said...

wildgoose - it's just bad copy for an advertisement all around. but the show muscle part is just hysterically funny.