Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wind and Fire

Last night, it was "vegetation fire" on the news feed as it streamed across the TV screen.

This morning, in the Straits Times, front page:
'Experts said that "light wind conditions" since Friday have allowed the build-up of particles in the air.'

ST reporter said, '...and with weak winds unable to blow the smoke particles away.'

I cannot decide if I am amused or tortured anymore.


wildgoose said...

Maybe there should be a blog to make fun of all of ST's mistakes a la Mr Brown. :)

eatdrinkplayjunkie said...

well.. it has been indeed quite hazy! :P

sinlady said...

wildgoose - lost cause. besides, they are not true mistakes. they are just strange usage. ST seems only concerned that correct grammar and nothing else.

edpj - it was. weak winds not able to cope with blowing away particles, you understand?