Saturday, June 13, 2009

I don't do gelek

I already don't like her. But I still try (very hard) to appear gracious when she comes calling. But I cannot stop myself from recoiling inwardly.

After this latest short conversation, I will not entertain her social come-on's anymore.

she: Hi. So long never hear from you. How've you been. Still bellydancing?

me (oh stupid me): Oh hi. Yes, been a long time. Yes, still bellydancing. But I am also into folk dance and hula.

she: Oh, I am sure you do so well in hula. You can gelek so well.

me: Gotta go. Goodbye.

Gelek? Me gelek? Gelek-ing, to me, means a no-talent show-off sashaying in obnoxious fashion for the sole purpose of grabbing attention.

This is the same woman who not so long ago asked me to choreograph a bellydance number for her to perform at her son's wedding. I told her to look up professional bellydance performers or instructors. Really, they can do a better job.

Not that I wanted to attend the wedding, but for the record, I was not even on her guest list!

So she wanted me to teach her to gelek?

She should never try to look me up again, under any pretense. Especially for the business of gelek.

I do a lot of things. But I do not do gelek!


dancingbunny said...

bellydance at her son's wedding!?
That is so weird?
She wants to show off is it?

suzie wong said...

you mean she's still not out of your social list yet? aiyo....

sinlady said...

bunny - yes, she craves attention.

suziewong - she's not. but she still sms or phone when she can find an excuse. after this i will not reply or pick up call.

wildgoose said...

the poor son's guests must be most traumatised. haha... she thinks everyone wants to show off like her.

suzie wong said...

WG---not the son's guests cringe..if i were her son, I'll cringe..if you've seen her you will know...I'm glad i have a stylo mylo mummy

sinlady said...

wildgoose - the guests are spared. i am sure there was no dance/show since i know she will not pay for professional help.

suziewong - haha. agree nothing worse than a mother who is an embarrassment. your mother not just stylo. she is very classy.