Thursday, May 14, 2009

What for kaypoh for nothing

The woman called me out of the blue. Her friend was interested to get into the wine distribution business and was organising a wine-pairing dinner. Would I be interested to go?

I wouldn't, actually, because I am totally allergic to alcohol and because wine-pairing events tend to have mediocre food, lousy wines and boorish people.

But I would gladly get a table if it would help. I could always make an evening of it with friends I have not seen in a while.

The woman said she wouldn't be going because she would be out of town that day. I couldn't help but think how convenient for her.

Sigh. Would I move my kaypoh ass to move a product that is meaningless to me for some any-old-body who happened to be a friend of somebody I know?

I am rather selective about where I put my kaypoh-ness to use, thank you. What for I go and kaypoh for meaningless people to support their meaningless causes?


Anonymous said...

You have to stop making friends with people who are users!

sinlady said...

anon - yes i dump the users.

wildgoose said...

Friend of friend who's not even going. Really no need lor. Got better things to do... like stare at the ceiling. =p

imp said...

don't bother lah!!!

sinlady said...

wildgoose - i can't get over the audacity of the woman, you know?

imp - i not botherlah. but still must gripe about it here mah.

eatdrinkplayjunkie said...

yah, time is better spent organising another gathering with real friends without ulterior motives!!!!

dancingbunny said...

I can fuly understand the feelings of having those so called "friends" who are really users. I encounter some myself, they are a bunch of dispicable living things......yeah man...nowadays I have just learnt to be slightly selfish to protect myself

dancingbunny said...
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sinlady said...

edpj- definitely :)

bunny - loads of users. must learn to siam them.