Saturday, May 09, 2009

Like that sure quarrel wan

I think the world of the the guy friend. I don't think anything of his wifey.

It's not just because she is a one of those freaky religious zealots. It's not just because she is a shrill control freak. It's because I consider her morally bankrupt over a particular incident involving their teenage daughter and my navel piercing. The girl took one look at my body jewelry and just had to have it too. The mother was aghast, and instead of asserting her parental authority to say no, she insisted that I tell the girl it is body mutilation which is against the Almighty's teachings.

Of course I told her to you-know-what. Which of course started an open cold war between her and me. Like I care. She already has it in her head and in her heart that I live a life of sin in a den of decadence. (I have naked pictures of me on the walls, for Gawd's sake).

So now the guy friend tells me the wifey and he are taking up ballroom dancing. I think of lovely couples in intimate graceful embrace on the dance floor. I see couples who have danced together beautifully for a lifetime, and now move effortless as one to music that shows the world their love.

I turned to the guy and said, "Wah, like that sure quarrel wan." He, with mock indignation, said, "I wasn't going to say that." To which I gleefully said, "Oh, quarrel already right?"

True what. She like that sure quarrel what. Heheh.


Johnny Malkavian said...

Hey, at least it's better than hanging pictures of naked men on your wall, right ?

eatdrinkplayjunkie said...

johnny m .. thats a good one. hahaha

SL: she sounds like one of those self righteous religious freaks who are also two-faced. so typical behavior, to (attempt to) use someone else to tell other people off, even when its her daughter at the receiving end.

dancingbunny said...

omg, i totally hate those people who likes to shove tons of righteous thinkings down our throat and yet they themselves are not practising it.

No offense but there were a couple of times i saw some men reading that book openly trying to show how dedicated they are to a certain religion, and yet they will pretend to be so absorbed in the book that they didnt see a pregnant woman standing infront of them in the righteous is that

Suzie Wong said...

wa! i'm a very bad christian :(

wildgoose said...

Your guy friend is so generous and has a sense of humour, most unlike the wife. :p

sinlady said...

jmalkavian - true hor. not pervert enough for her get all worked up yet.

edpj - i have no problem with intellectual differences. i have big problem with intellectual and moral dishonesty.

dbunny - plenty of those unfortunately.

suziewong - what? u got naked pictures now is it? haha

wildgoose - he is a nice guy:)

suzeeeeee said...

i dun have naked pictures (yet) but i definitely have a mutilated naval! :p

sinlady said...

suzeeee - got hope (yet). haha