Friday, May 22, 2009

Me - Woman of the house

The man does enjoy cooking. And he does turn out excellent dinners. He enjoys having friends and family over to share the food, drinks and company. He also loves to explain in great detail to the guests how the food is cooked.

Me. I am a very good cook too.

Unlike him, I don't bother to promote my skills; the food speaks for itself. Unlike him, I can and prefer to work alone from planning, shopping, cooking to putting the food on the table.

He on the other hand, needs all manner of assistance when he is in the kitchen. I am just as involved and busy when he is doing the cooking.

The word is out that he is a good cook. I generally grin, grit my teeth and bite my tongue when the clueless men in the neighbourhood walk up to him and say, "Hey, I heard you are a good cook". I am willing to let that silly and impossible statement pass because, well, what do the men know about men and cooking anyway.

Then, one silly wife parroted the Hey-I-heard-you-are-a-good-cook chorus. I lost it then. I turned on her and snapped, "If you please, we are all good cooks in our household!"

The show of annoyance was rude and ungracious of me. But I contend that it is totally unforgiveable that this or any other woman can be dumb enough to believe and repeat so preposterous a rumour.
I don't regret being sharp with her. There are, after all, two of us in this household and regardless of the distribution of workload around here, she has no right to ignore the importance, usefulness and contribution of one or the other.

Especially me - the woman of the house.
So there.


wildgoose said...

She's not getting invited to dinners again, is she? =p we know how hard you work for the dinners, esp with the pizza dough and all the desserts.

sinlady said...

wildgoose - these people are neighbours in our block, not friends. i have never had them over. now i won't ever.

thanks for saying so :)

dancingbunny said...

well its like that, if the men can cook, its a miracle. Just like how the hype about women on everest. Just becos they are women and the achievement is big becos pple look down on certain aspects of certain gender in general

eatdrinkplayjunkie said...

aiya, ita the gender divide! we women 90% of the time are the ones doing the dirty work and toiling in silence. just like with our baby in our household, its expected that I will be the one changing the dirty diapers but if S were to change ONE dirty diaper, its like hes the most incredible person ever. sigh.

Suzie Wong said...

i won't complain if people say spider is the better cook! he is the ONLY cook! haha! He even cooks my maggie noodles with luncheon meat!

sinlady said...

bunny - yes. you have a point there about gender expectations.

edpj - haha.

suziewong - you lucky girl!