Monday, May 25, 2009

Mean old people

They were already old when we first met them. To our dismay, we realised very quickly that they were mean-spirited people.

They are from two of the most prominent old moneyed families of Singapore. They never had to work a day in their lives; the wealth they inherited could not be used up in 5 lifetimes.

They could have chosen to live nicely and treat people around them with decency. Instead, they delight in vicious gossip about other people's misfortune; they love nothing more than predicting people's downfall be it financial, marital or social. They actually begrudge people who managed to get ahead.

We have stopped seeing them altogether for several years now but we hear occasion news of their slow decline in physical and mental health.
The latest is that the old woman is showing signs of senile dementia; she gets confused, forgetful, depressed and angry.

The old man is not supportive. He is of the opinion that her condition is just the latest of fads in clinical diagnosis alongside dyslexia, autism, attention deficit, bi-polarism and all other syndromes and phenomena.

The man and I considered forgetting their vileness towards us. They are just two old people getting older.
We were actually very useful to them in many ways, especially when it came to medical issues.

But we know that whatever faculties they might lose in the years ahead - physical and mental - their vile nature will remain to the end.
We decided to continue staying away from them.

We should feel bad about leaving them to fuddle through their dotage, but we don't. We can't care about them.

They are just too mean.


wildgoose said...

Their money will buy them care. No need to bother with mean people.
Let me guess, it's the people who gave Mr Sin freebie pajamas for medical advice....

sinlady said...

wildgoose - FIRST CLASS airline free jammies if you don't mind!

eatdrinkplayjunkie said...

i guessed as much who they were while reading.

it might be a socialite thing, no? which explains why country clubs have those petty lawsuits over something that is supposed to be social and enjoyable.

agree with WG, money will buy them care!

sinlady said...

edpj - i only mentioned mean spirited and left out mean with money. they not socialite set. that takes money.

since you know who they are, remember they complain about having to pay the doctor after treatment?