Monday, May 18, 2009

She's a ballroom dancer

The dance performance is mere days away now. There have been many stumbling blocks in all directions, one of which is that we have not had a single practice session with everyone present yet.

At the last practice session, we had the most number of show-ups todate. Things were looking up.


To our dismay, one of the dancers just had difficulty lining up right after each formation change. A helpful soul tried to explain to the left-fielder how to spot and get back in line.

The spoken-to did not take kindly to the constructive suggestion. She has been a dancer, a ballroom dancer if you please, for 40 years. She knows all about dance - connection, frame, posture, timing, body alignment, proper weight transfer, etc.

And the light came on in my head: the woman, in her 40 years of being led across the ballroom, never ever had to figure out space and place when dancing.

Can die. And the performance is mere days away.

I guess the rest of us will just have to dance around this stubborn obstacle.


Anonymous said...

banyak kepala batu hor

Anonymous said...

poor you. am in the same position, on the other end! help!

sinlady said...

NM - ya lor. got some people like that what to do?

anon@3.27 - i could see. aiyoh. *sayang*

wildgoose said...

Someone bring a pin to prick her ego. Or should I say, a sledgehammer? hahaha....

dancingbunny said...

i tell u wat, get someone to video down ur rehearsals. get her to watch herself being out of line so that she can see herself as a sore thumb sticking out of now where.
it helps. cos sometimes until u see where the mistakes is, it is hard to realise that something is wrong for certain pple

sinlady said...

wildgoose - must not get violent lah. haha

bunny - great idea :)

eatdrinkplayjunkie said...

the perils of teamwork. LOL

dancingbunny said...

heh heh..cos I always video down my past performance and do trouble shooting after that. There are certain things I wouldn't notice that I have done during the dance until I see it myself. And I wanted to bang the wall wishing I never did that stupid action or something. hahaha

sinlady said...

edpj - sigh. ya lor. hehe

bunny - you want to improve your dance; this woman thinks of herself as ALREADY perfect. btw, must tell you you do good job with all your performances :)

Anonymous said...

LOL, I feel your pain. I had a woman who insisted on joining my intermediate 2 class without having had a day's lesson in our chosen dance form. Her reason? Because she had been a ballroom dancer for 5 years. Sigh.

Anyway, despite the insipid choice of fabric & poor tailoring, you ladies still looked fairly nice. At least you did not have to dance in coconut shells. And you looked tasteful, which is more than I can say for some of the others ...


sinlady said...

Steph! i feel YOUR pain! haha
thanks for kind words. the group did pull together for the show. i have drama stories too about makeup. another time over coffee, ok?

Eric N. said...

I just realised that your comment on her not knowing how to do it on her own after being led for so long applies to many many other things as well.

While I won't try to argue the arrangement that two consenting adults have among themselves, I shudder to think about happens when the one leading loses the one being led, and more worrisome, what happens when the one being led loses the direction of the one leading.

sinlady said...

eric! oh, on the dance floor, got worse scenario than losing control and direction. got where the woman walks into the man's space at the wrong time and slams her thigh into his balls.