Monday, June 20, 2011

bye, bye, dress

Remember this dress? Remember I said I absolutely, definitely, resolutely, hated it? I could find nothing to like about the dress; I even called it hideous.

Well, I don't anymore. Hate it, that is. Somebody is buying it off me. And all of a sudden, I feel a tinge of guilt that I was not nice to it.

But I know the new owner will
sayang it. So bye bye dress. You will look so pretty on the nice lady.

I will miss you from time to time.


imp said...

I'm laughing uncontrollably, again, at the emotions the dress stirs up in u. Which begets the question, why and how the buyer decided to buy?! :p tell me next time!

sinlady said...

imp - haha. the poor dress - i tried to like it. i think it was only i out of the hula troupe of 11 who hated the dress.

wildgoose said...

Someone actually wanted to buy it? I would have junked the dress long ago if I were you. hahaha...

sinlady said...

wildgoose - cannot! it held memories of the dance mates, music and choreo.

Anonymous said...

ah, the sentimental feeling attached to inanimate personal things. how i understand it. ;)
i still miss my old shoes. hah!

sinlady said...

tuti - yes, just like your shoes. sad right?