Saturday, August 22, 2009

Should I or should I not?

I am still baffled by the constant question, "What do you do now that you are no longer working?"

I don't seem to be able to give a satisfactory answer.

How do you explain what a luxury it is to be able to take your time reading the papers with your morning coffee. Instead of having only 10 minutes to scan the headlines, gulp down the coffee and rush off to get dressed for work.

How do you explain you really appreciate not having to put up with demanding and unreasonable people who show you no respect in your professional capacity because they are paying for your time? And you still have to be tactful and diplomatic with them? I love not having to handle insensitive and rude people in my private life.

How do you explain it feels so good to have time to pursue your own interests. I like not having to rush through leisure activities.

Put in the most simple way: I love having my life back.

Then it dawned on me how ridiculous that this particular woman keeps carping at me about "not working any more."

She never worked but for maybe 5 years when she first left school! What does she do with her time all these years, I wonder? Besides taking sadistic pleasure in torturing me with her incessant questioning whenever she blows into town?

I should ask her that when I next see her, like maybe one day next week.

Then again, maybe I should not. I just remembered the woman talks non-stop even without a topical point!

I am not in the mood to be at the receiving end of her verbal diarrhoea.


eatdrinkplayjunkie said...

what a life!! cant wait for my turn to retire :P

sinlady said...

edpj - no lah. must appreciate every stage of our lives.

wildgoose said...

I doubt she will give an interesting reply. :p

sinlady said...

wildgoose - and you would be right! sigh.