Saturday, August 01, 2009

Isn't she lovely?

She really is.

I love the essay for it's stylish writing, research depth and sentimental understanding of an often misunderstood people.

I have met these people; I will never forget their kindness; I will always remember them fondly...


wildgoose said...

the western media too often reports through their own limited perspective. when i went to the middle east, i saw many govt officials and ministers that are women. definitely more than in Singapore!

And she is a beauty. :) never seen one more beautiful.

sinlady said...

wildgoose - news stories about the middle east are always political. this nat geog essay is one of the nicest cultural/social stories i have come across in a very long time.

she is, isn't she :) with all that glossy hair and curly long eye lashes haha