Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Hair to stay

The imp's post about body hair reminded me of an incident some time ago when I was working in a medical aesthetics clinic.

One of the services the clinic offered was permanent hair removal by laser.

This mainland Chinese woman came in for a consultation about underarm hair removal by laser. I went through the spiel on how the laser works, the number of sessions required, the fee etc etc. Throughout the consult, she kept asking what I meant by permanent. She first looked perplexed then was positively alarmed when I repeated over and over that the end point of hair removal by laser was that hair will never grow again.

When the fact finally sank in, she gasped and said to me, "You mean NEVER grow again? No hair? Oh no, like that cannot do. When it is winter then how?"

Yes, it was my turn to be perplexed and then alarmed.

Apparently the culture there is to let underarm hair grow in the winter!

Yes, imp, they want the full 2-inch long axilla hair in its full luxuriant glory. Heh.


eatdrinkplayjunkie said...

haha! i didnt know tat abt underarm hair and winter! i would have burst out laughing if i were there

Anonymous said...

oh. *hides away in corner cringing*

i suppose it does keep one warm...

sinlady said...

edpjunkie - i only remembered being too stunned, and nothing else :)

imp - you know, i thought of the keeping warm bit later, but thought that doesn't make sense either. so i have to say it is just cultural (they love their armpit hair??), and since they are all bundled up in winter...

dsowerg said...

Can wear armpit muffs if it's really a concern right... anyway, it's too funny.

I've been wanting to get my legs lasered but I read that the hair does grow back after a few years!

sinlady said...

eve+line - legs are notoriously difficult to work with. large area and hair far apart so laser rays are scattered. if hair grows back after some years, it would be very patchy which is awful. if you still want to do leg hair removal, get the guarantee package, or else you end up having incomplete work because you run out of money.

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