was the month- of many one-more-time-before-the-new-year get-togethers. I loved every one of them.
- my sanity and sense of equilibrium stayed intact thanks to the fact that many of my dance classes went on uninterrupted. I am truly grateful to the instructors and dance mates who kept the classes going. I needed these me-times in December more than another other time in the year.
- I got back to making Christmas sweets - mainly chocolate fudge and brownies. There was one happy kid out there - the one we nicknamed "the Brain" - who got a full tray of brownies to himself for the holidays.
- I considered eliminating from pillow talk friends the blogs that have been inactive for close to a year now. I still will, quietly and with of tinge of regret, later in the new year. I need to convince myself that the owner had really abandoned the blog, and, reluctantly, so should I.
- my favourite aunt got her third grandchild (girl), making her a very busy but happy woman
- when a lot more things went my way than not, making it a good festive month.
Can I be the happy kid next year? :D but seriously, have not been eating chocs recently cos I had too much. hmm.. but I started on the love letters already. :p
i'm surprised you didn't take a trip this Dec, or did you? think you too much holidays already :P
Selamat pagi my dear kawan & suami tercinta. Selamat tahun baru......
Best regards-kamariah
wildgoose - love letters! i love that and i don't try to make them :)
suziewong - we never travelled year end. no need rush with the holiday crowd.
kamariah - *hugs* kawan! so happy to see you here. selamat tahun baru jugak.
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