Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A snowy kind of May

It was a good time to make a side-trip to the resort town of Banff in the Canadian Rockies. There was snow everywhere - on the rugged mountain slopes, on the ground, on roof tops. I loved the feel of the sun on my face even as I bundled up against the cold cold wind that blew throughout the day.

It was too early for the full invasion of clueless and mindless tourists. I shamelessly and openly gawped at the few out-of-season tourists doing the usual bizarre stuff that clueless and mindless tourists do. Like having their pictures taken standing on thin ice next to the sign that said "Caution - Thin Ice". Like lying on the snow striking a pose that resembled a sit-up.

I walked away from the jarring people, blocking them out of my mind's eye.

I gave myself over to the sheer beauty and majesty of the surrounding rugged mountains and backcountry wilderness.

I want to remember the smell of alpine meadows on a day in May.
I want to remember that I was happy and at peace with myself.


Lady J said...

Wow .. snowing in May? I love the photo of you in the furry hat...very chic! ;)

sinlady said...

ladyj - snow in may, yup :)cold enough that you really need head cover to enjoy being out...

imp said...

what a lovely interlude on a trip. And snow in May, woah. Many happy faces and smiles you wore. Best.

sinlady said...

imp - yes. everything about those few days was best :)

wildgoose said...

Love the photo of two of you on the top left corner. So sweet and heart-warming. :)

sinlady said...

wildgoose - nice hor? you mean he doesn't look stressed? haha

tuti said...

wonderful peaceful warming pics. :)

sinlady said...

tuti - yes. it was a very special few days :)