Sunday, May 08, 2011

On the road

Short update on my whereabouts:

The man and I were in Seattle after Bakersfield. We then left for Vancouver (more accurately, Burnaby). Four days of being around overseas Chinese was enough to make me grateful for a break away in Banff Alberta.

Banff is beautiful in an almost-alpine way. And as if to prove I am right, it is snowing (yes, SNOWING) this morning, in May!

I don't know that we are up to doing the Lake Louise drive, or take the gondola up Sulphur Mountain in the snow. And staying indoors in a log cabin styled hotel room isn't a bad idea.

I can decide all that in a while more. For now, I am happy to check on email and news snippets online.

More to come.


tuti said...

yeah! what a great holiday adventure!
enjoy yourself!

sinlady said...

tuti - thanks. i am doing alright. i know i am eating way much and putting on the weight, but am refusing to worry or complain about it :)

sinlady said...

tuti. thanks. i enjoy being back in the US :)