Monday, October 12, 2009

Sacred Love

I am not a religious person. The spiritual experience that is expected when one walks on hallowed grounds of significant places of worship eludes me.

But I am in awe of the sheer size and architectural beauty of the cathedrals I visited in France.

I think of the kings and lords who commissioned the works. I think of the architects who designed the structures. Above all, I keep thinking of the builders devoting their entire lives to building these monuments.

Today, centuries later, worshipers from around the world who continue to come attest to the power of faith. And the lasting strength of a love beyond all else - sacred love.


eatdrinkplayjunkie said...

welcome back! this brings back good memories :)

which camera did you use?

sinlady said...

edpj - the man used his nikon dslr with a F1.8 lens set at ISO of 1600 for interior shots. otherwise sure all come out black.

wildgoose said...

I never thought of it this way. But after going through so many churches in Italy, I still like the tiny churches in the small towns because that's where I feel the spirituality; not in the Vatican...

sinlady said...

wildgoose - oh yes, we were at small village churches too. they give a sense of intimacy that the big famous ones lack.