Friday, October 23, 2009

How was your holiday?

Seven posts in my blog since I got back from the most stupendous holiday in a long time.

Seven posts in which I waxed lyrical and eloquent about the places I went.

Seven posts in which I painstakingly put together collages to show the best of the vacation.

And the woman emails me : "Drop me a line to tell me how was your holiday."

I think I will do just that; the line will read:

I had a GREAT time !


suzie wong said...

was it the woman who lives in the country you visited but was not there?

sinlady said...

suziewong - she lives in ulu european town and still waiting for me or some of us to visit. anyway, it's just that her email annoyed me because she knows of my blog but just never goes there for whatever her silly reasons.

LuLu said...

You're back! From a fantastic holiday from what I see. You are one lucky girl.

wildgoose said...

Or you can send her the link to your blog again. =P

sinlady said...

lulu - i'm back :)

wildgoose - will not do that! i've done that enough times already like as if i need to beg people to please read my blog.

wildgoose said...

haha... that certainly wasn't what I thought. Some ppl are just not into blogs.

sinlady said...

wildgoose - some pple are just plain computer illiterate and will not admit it.