Wednesday, April 01, 2009


was the month
- I finally signed up for a facebook account. It was a matter of being cowed by the overwhelming success of that networking site. Too many friends kept asking if I was on facebook, implying that it'd be so much easier to keep me in the loop if I were. I'm onboard now, albeit reluctantly. I can't wait to see how much more enriched my life will soon be.

- Mother has been ominously quiet the entire month. She must be slow-cooking something really bad.

- I debated long and hard about writing unflattering entries on two distasteful women whose irksome ways keep getting mentioned to me at the most unexpected times. One is overbearing and loud. The other keeps popping up as a new reincarnation after the last ones went up in flames. Both are shameless self-promoters. One more mention, and my resistance will crumble.

- I decided that there will be no travel for the time being. My plans keep falling through, so I will take it as a sign that I should stay put for a while.


Anonymous said...

dia ada banyak nama tapi muka sama, nama tukar tapi muka belum tukar

sinlady said...

nonya - ya lor. malu muka

wildgoose said...

Hmm... now I must learn Malay to read this blog? :D
Facebook is good for sharing videos/photos and stuff but it also depends on how frequent ppl update.

And where is this place in the pix? Looks so peaceful.

sinlady said...

wildgoose - simple bahasa can manage lah. have not decided if i like fb yet. for now, it's just a means to see what everyone else is up to.

friend's backyard. she has done it up beautifully.

Suzie Wong said...

love the summary, especially these days too caught up on facebook to read all blog entries, so yeah, welcome to fb...wink*

sinlady said...

suziewong - i still have my doubts abt fb. have to wait and see whether i will like it after some time.

eatdrinkplayjunkie said...

yah finally u are on fb!! haha

sinlady said...

edpj - finally!

Anonymous said...

Salam Anonymous. Memang betul, kata awak. Kesihan muka tak tukar kerana muka dia hitam saja.

sinlady said...

anon@12.47 - aiyoh! say until like that! haha