Saturday, April 04, 2009

What's your number?

The Life Path Number
The Life Path is the sum of the birth date. This number represents who you are at birth and the native traits that you will carry with you through life. The most important number that will be discussed here is your Life Path number. The Life Path describes the nature of this journey through life.
My birth date numbers add up to 1971, which makes my life path number 9. I especially like "the number is less inclined to the competitive business environment and may find this a struggle." I don't feel guilty about my checkered work history anymore.

You-know-who is a number 6. No wonder "modesty and humility may not flow easily" with him. *haha*

I am not into astrology, numerology or any other methods of divination that read my character or future. But I will concede that the reading at this site is cleverly worded enough as to come across as uncannily accurate.


Suzie Wong said...

i clicked on the link and when i saw so many steps....aiya i chickened out..:p

sinlady said...

suziewong - aiyoh. u tak chek or not?

date + month + year19xx = yy.

now y+y. gives you the life path number.

imp said...

wahahhaa. mine and my partner's are both 9 too! hmmm.

eatdrinkplayjunkie said...

my lifepath is 1! 'Your nature is charged with individualistic desires, a demand for independence, and the need for personal attainment.' no wonder my latest post :P

sinlady said...

imp - hmmmm..interesting. description fits both of you?

edpj - no wonder indeed :)

wildgoose said...

hmm... eight doesn't sound very much like me. You have checkered work history meh? You seem very successful to have retired so early.

sinlady said...

wildgoose - have to agree u not sound like a 8 :)

my work history is near non-existent actually. present status got nothing to do with work.