I smiled when I received the invitation to the school-themed wedding party.
The concept was clever and novel. It was in the form of an old fashioned exercise book complete with brown cover, school emblem and three lines to fill in name (guest), subject (wedding invitation) and teachers (the parents of bride or groom).
The single lined pages inside contained the usual pertinent information: groom and bride, son and daughter of so-and-so, followed by date, time, place.
I read the lines over and over. Then the smile froze on my face. There were two things in the invitation that I had to seek clarification from the mother of the groom.
First, the school theme: I absolutely refuse to play school whether as teacher or student. The mother said not to worry about that. Just come in whatever.
Second, there was no mention of what happens after the solemnisation.When I pointedly asked, she said and I quote: "Dinner and whatever the youngsters want to do." I cannot believe my ears. There was no plan of anything following the solemnisation.
I accept, even embrace, breaking from tradition and just having fun with the wedding and party that follows. That is great for the newly weds and their friends. It may even be fine for family and close friends of the parents. Frankly, I don't see the "youngsters" being thrilled to have the "old people" in their dinner and whatever.
I find it totally meaningless for guests (like me) who are neither family nor close friends to attend the solemnisation and then freely follow the wedding crowd to wherever and do whatever.
Sorry hor, I am not the free and easy type for anybody to just-any-old-how invite to a wedding leh.
That is one wedding invitation I will reply, without regret, "decline, with regret".