Thursday, December 28, 2006


It has been a weekend of dinners and lunches. There were the sit-down ones, the stand-and-drink-your-dinner ones, the lovingly home-cooked ones, the show-off-in-restaurant ones.

Yet it was not a blur of frenetic festive celebration.

I remember every story of happiness, every shared joke, every expectation for the new year. I was with friends and family. These are people who matter to me - with whom I share joy and disappointment, hope and fear, history and the future.

I miss the ones who were not here yet am confident that they too share my celebratory mood of the season.

It was truly a weekend of friendship and love.


Suzie Wong said...

It will be 2 days of lazing around for me.......woo-hoo

sinlady said...

Let's get together for coffee and cake or something then.

wildgoose said...

Coffee sounds good. Am I included? :p But ya, we definitely felt the love from the lovingly-prepared food. :)

sinlady said...

WG - you are included as soon as we hear from our busy glam showgirl. U felt the love eating here? No wonder the man keeps asking u back. LOL

sinlady said...

Oops, sorry ladies. Turns out I the one not free after all. Hope you still go ahead and I catch up another time.