Sunday, August 01, 2010


was the month
that whizzed by me while I was distracted by Brisbane, dinners, dance and bread making. It probably has to do with the various activities and occasions being so unconnected.

It was a good month.

I had plenty of quality time with people who matter very much to me. Many of them will now be away for their extended annual holidays and I expect to regroup with them only in September.

I got back to wearing more colourful clothes and putting on a more made-up face. The dance mates have been telling me how beautiful I look and asking why I was wearing mostly black all this time. I don't know why, but it feels good to break out of the black phase and live in colours again. I wonder now how bad or drab I must have looked to everyone all this while.

I feel I am finally "back". And it's a good feeling.


imp said...

you are beautifuL! wear colors. they're very becoming on you. the photo says it all really.

tuti said...

you radiate peace! you really have come home! it's a good place too.

zewt said...

welcome back to the concrete jungle... it's really a concrete jungle here.

sinlady said...

imp- thanks. i am enjoying wearing colors again.

tuti - it is :) thanks.

zewt - aiyoh, don't remind me can or not??

wildgoose said...

I guess black just have a effect on people that's more sombre. My friends also commented at one point why was I wearing black all the time.

sinlady said...

wildgoose - and they are very happy to see you wearing more colourful clothes again :)

Anonymous said...

you look great!

sinlady said...

edpj - thanks :)

Jacquelyn said...

You look Great in colours!Yes! You are beautiful.xo xo

sinlady said...

jac - hey nice to hear from you! thanks! i am enjoying colours in clothes and make up more. it's about time :)