Monday, August 09, 2010

Still a birthday dinner

It was a small birthday dinner for the man at home with a handful of people who "grew up" with him. These days we are looking at "growing old" together.


Because it was very low-key, there was none of the rah rah hoopla paraphernalia of a birthday dinner.

Because some courses were cooked the day before, I totally forgot about the side of potatoes. (Thankfully the meal was saved by serving up home made bread to take the place of carbs).

Because the man wanted apple crumble pie instead of cake there was no cake decoration or candle to remind me of the occasion.

And so when the woman guest pointedly announced that she and husband had to be leaving soon (i.e. could we finish the evening quickly by trotting out the dessert pronto) I totally forgot what all the other lovely people were there for besides dinner.

It was only this morning that I realized there was no mention of the man's birthday at the dinner table last night.

It was still a lovely birthday dinner with good friends.

And there will be a few more get-togethers with the others who couldn't join us last night.

We will have our chance to make the proper Happy Birthday noises yet :)


imp said...

Happy Birthday to your man! The first of many good one. Tsk. All these guests should learn to be less demanding!

tuti said...

wah! i would be too embarrassed to ask for dessert to be served quickly on account of my having to leave early.

and Happy Birthday to the Man!! woot!

wildgoose said...

Yes, there will be more chances. :)

sinlady said...

imp + tuti - thanks :)

sometimes i wonder about the people we call friends.

wildgoose - thanks:)esp for wishing him happy birthday.

i can't get over how bizarre it must seem to have people over for his birthday and then totally forgot to mention the word "birthday".

wildgoose said...

I know. I feel sorry it slipped my mind too as the evening progressed. Am i glad i said it right at the beginning.

sinlady said...

wildgoose - glad you did :) he mentioned it.