Monday, July 06, 2009

Fools and chain mail

I cannot believe there are people who still mindlessly and indiscriminately forward chain mail! I am talking about people I know. People I have told off about it already!

For the most part I take one glance at the PLEASE READ! DO NOT DELETE! heading and hit the DELETE key and let it go at that.

But there is this one person who has been told time and again to stop forwarding chain mail. She'd stop for a while, then resume. (Doesn't she have anything better to do?) The latest is the silly one titled Slow Dance.

It arrived on a day I didn't feel kindly disposed to fools. So I wrote her a short message: Oh puhleeze. This has been circulating with update since 1998. Read here. And hit the Reply ALL button. Yes, to all 100 names or so on her hit list.

The fool wrote back: Thought it sounded familiar but didn't want to have a bad conscience so forwarded it anyway. And when are you coming to visit me?

See why I say I cannot spend lots of time cooped up with her and other like-minded people?

It's to0 much to expect I should suffer fools gladly. Especially when I don't have to.


wildgoose said...

I've done a reply all before too. And that person just kept sending such emails using bcc subsequently. Now I delete 90% of the mails from that person, unless the heading says anything meaningful.

dancingbunny said...

I am glad my circle of frens didnt do that. They did that few years ago and apparently got tired of it and perhaps, got wiser fortunately over the yrs. But I did told my husband off...he repeats emails over n over again!!!

lulu said...

"Fool" still didn't get it, did she?

imp said...

alamak. like that can die lor.

sinlady said...

wildgoose - dedicated chain mailer haha

bunny - chain popular years ago because nothing else to do online!

lulu - nope :(

imp - yup :(

Indy said...

Slow Down

Have you ever watched chain letters come round and round?
Or felt as your head
hit the wall then the ground
Ever followed emotion's erratic flight?
Then gazed at the screen and screamed "This isn't right!"
You'd better slow down.
Don't forward so fast.
Time is short.
The patience won't last.
Do you forward anyway, without asking why
your friends and you
keep getting chain letter lies?
When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed
Thoughts of fictitious chain letter children
Running through your head?
You'd better slow down
Don't forward it so fast.
Time gets wasted.
The tolerance won't last.
Ever told your friend,
I've sworn off chain letters starting tomorrow?
And in your haste,
forwarded them another sorrow?
Ever lost touch,
Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To send anything but chain letter lies?
You'd better slow down.
Don't forward it so fast.
Time is run out.
The friendship won't last.
When you move so fast to pass it on everywhere,
That's no way to show you really care.
When you worry and forward away
It is like holding onto the wrappings
and throwing the gift away.
Time can't be replaced
Don't waste it on forwards.
Hear the call
To stop the freakin forwards! from the debunking Chain Letter site at Pbworks chainletters pbworks com

suzie wong said...

haha, i like indy's reply.

one of the worst chain mails are those supposedly from a mobile phone company or computer claiming to give a phone or computer to each mail passed.....I'm very amazed at how some seemingly smart ppl can fall into the trap. Once i asked a friend why she even bothered, she was obviously felt a little insulted, her reply was "no harm lor, dun worry the mail got no virus"

sinlady said...

Indy - love it! thanks.

suziewong - oh, that friend of yours can join the one i am griping about:) they really don't understand how irritating it is to hear nothing from them, then get these silly forwards.

eatdrinkplayjunkie said...

its there any wonder why my company disabled the 'reply all' function? :P

wildgoose said...

edp junkie - i'm surprised! but i guess it's so easy to send email to ppl needlessly.

sinlady said...

edpj - i purposely hit reply ALL because the silly chain was forwarded 8 times! they deserve to be told to stop being so stupid!

wildgoose - i forgot to mention this particular person is not aware of Reply vs Reply ALL...