Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I am tasked with compiling a play-list for an upcoming dinner party. I expected it to be an easy job. How wrong can I go if I select what I love enough to drum my fingers and tap my feet to?

Well, for starters, I am so rusty that I have difficulty recalling the songs I liked, even loved! How sad is that?

I started by looking up "greatest dance song lists" in the last *gasp* 4 decades.That's a long list. It has been a down-memory lane type of exercise as I recall the place, the year, the guy, the friends with every song. I kept only the happy memories.

The guests are my contemporaries; they are going to have to love my selection of hit dance songs.They'd have been down the same roads at about the same time, and therefore they must share the same sentiment. So there!

In the process of making my playlist, I stumbled upon a music genre I loved, which I had long forgotten - Hawaiian slack key guitar music by the maestro Keola Beamer.

I listened. I remembered. The sound still tugs at the heart-strings. And I smiled.


wildgoose said...

The guitar is good. :) I think compiling a playlist is hard work. So many different tastes to cater to.

Anonymous said...

got "when will i see you again"? i know.... cheesy. haha

sinlady said...

wildgoose - yes, it's the different taste. plus there are those songs i remember i loved them then but today they are just irritating haha

tuti - hey, got! along with maureen mcgovern's "we may never love like this again". haha