Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Writing to the CB

She was waiting for me to write her. Why? She wanted to know how we are doing, and how was our recent trip to Bordeaux and Biarritz. I am tired by now to tell her go read my blog.

So I dutifully wrote her, and attached three pictures: this, this and this.

The woman came back with: "That's an interesting pose, and a lovely letter."

That got my ire; I promptly wrote back:

CB, I take offence that my picture is only an interesting pose. Everyone raved about it, and about me. So there.

She's going to come back and ask me what the initials stand for...


Anonymous said...

I think it means 'vagina'.


wildgoose said...

She is a pain. As if you're writing for her critique. No need to write to her ever.

eh, she might think it just stands for "char boh". Why so cryptic? haha...

Anonymous said...

vagina, of female gender, of bovine origin, ... or gasp...she may think that it is something nice like Ciao Bella! (aaa)

sinlady said...

jm - really?

wildgoose - she thinks she is the paragon of propriety, so even "char boh" is crude. not that i care.

(aaa) - heheh.

Anonymous said...

so many possibilities! hahaha

- jm

sinlady said...

jm - and only one probability. the first one that comes to mind would be it haha

imp said...

I died laughing at the title before I got to the end of the post! Woman, you are good lah!!! MUAHAHAHHAHA.

Is that all she can come up with in response to ummm....your email? "Interesting pose"? Send a longer reply lah! Doh.

sinlady said...

imp - aiyoh, me bad but you badder. the cb hasn't come back to apologise wo.

dancingbunny said...

so, she have no more replies for you??

sinlady said...

bunny - she hasn't written back to apologise! i don't expect her to.