Thursday, November 18, 2010

Drop or Pick up New Friends

At first the couple looked like they are people to chum around with. Like us, they are not tethered to jobs, half grown kids or elderly ailing parents. Like us, they travel at leisure for leisure and explore novel dining experiences.

Then we find we like them less each time we see them:

They ask intrusive questions like "How long have you two been married?"
They ask intrusive questions like "So how long actually have you two been married?" every time we see them.
They ask intrusive questions of our friends like "How can your friend go build an inn in LiJiang?"
And keep doggedly asking the same questions each time we see them.

We and our friends do not have lives that cannot stand up to scrutiny, but we value discretion and privacy. We do not feel we need to disclose everything; we certainly do not need to answer questions that we consider uncomfortably interrogative in nature.

So we start to pull away from too much involvement with them. We pulled out of going with them on a road trip to Lisboa and exotic Spanish towns. I think we saved ourselves a lot of grief.

So our drop rate for suitable company is higher than our pick up rate. So our recruitment exercise to find travel and dining companions continue.

So what?


wildgoose said...

No need to recruit. Sometimes good things just happens (Ref previous post)! Lol

sinlady said...

wildgoose - that is true but there is the need to actively help in the search mah. sort of like looking for a life partner haha

tuti said...

sometimes less is better. quality counts, ya. but not to the point where you end up with no friends, like moi. muahaha. that is so pathetic. :P

sinlady said...

tuti - quality always counts...

zewt said...

wow... it's not easy to be your friends eh?

sinlady said...

zewt - ya lor. maybe i don't want to be my friend too.

tuti said...

lol at your reply to zewt.
but i understand. coming from one who chooses to have no friends. or even relatives for now.

zewt said...

wow... that's a really strong statement....

sinlady said...

tuti - oh, especially relatives.

zewt - not quite a statement lah. just a thought :)

imp said...

woman! I'm sure you know that we'll never have a same consistent set of dining companions all the way. we might click well for a year, but that's about it. then we move on to another set. hence, the social whirl.

so be it. the only thing that stays constant is the set of you and man. i find it easier to take people in small doses especially if i'm turning more anti-social now. i probably irritate pple as much as they irritate me! hahaha.

sinlady said...

imp - welcome back!!

sigh. so i grow, move on and brave a new set of strangers. okok that's not a bad thing :)