Saturday, November 27, 2010

Answer to Her Love Affair

She married the new love; she decided she could not hurt this man who has been so good to her and for her all these years.

I still don't know who I would have chosen. What about you?


tuti said...

that is so so sweet. yes i think she did the right thing. i dare not guess earlier. i was thinking, doing the right thing is one thing, but the darn heart sometimes cannot be trusted to do that.

sinlady said...

tuti - so sweet right? i have the do-the-right-thing vs do the follow-my-heart thing conflict. even now when i think about it.

wildgoose said...

I would have done what she did. After all, the old lover abandoned her when her husband left her.

dancingbunny said...

I made the right guess. :D I thought she were have married the new love. I will do what she did if I were her. The decision is clear. I don't give somebody a 2nd chance if he or she made a mistake. No matter how much they try to repent.

sinlady said...

wildgoose + bunny - wow! you are both so sure you'd make the same choice as my friend! i still can't say i know what i'd do.

wildgoose said...

Seems like you're a lot more emotional than you usually appear. :)

sinlady said...

wildgoose - not emo lah. just that it's not me having to choose.