Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Why do they live here?

They did not get their way about redesigning and upgrading the lobby and grounds of the condo. So they vent their unhappiness by pelting the condo residents' committee and on-site manager with complaints and more complaints:

- How dare the drainage pipes burst after we've had heavy rain for several days.
- How dare the CCTV not be in good working order.
- How can children be allowed to play boisterously around the swimming pool.
- How can the security guards not stop their two maids from running away.
- How dare a pool side party be allowed to carry on beyond 10pm.

They point out (for the umpteenth time) that their complaints have fallen on deaf ears. They now write to the condo management that unless concrete steps are taken to remedy all the ills of this place, they will have no choice but to seek legal advice on how they may ensure they are adequately protected living here. (Ooooh...we are so scared).

There are some valid issues in their litany of complaints. And the condo manager does address problems that are brought to his attention. It is silly to threaten with legal action when there is simply no basis for it.

And I wonder, for the umpteenth time - why did they move in here? and why will they not consider moving to some place where the environment is more acceptable to them?


wildgoose said...

unfortunately, awful neighbours are everywhere. And these people probably will have complaints no matter where they go. It's got nothing to do with the place.

sinlady said...

wildgoose - you are right, of course. it's just that they make life hell for so many people.

tuti said...

some people just like to complain. and they are hard to please.

Anonymous said...

Her maids ran away! Need anyone say more?LOL


sinlady said...

tuti - i know. i just wish they'd move out.

dee - sigh. i know...

imp said...

your poor estate mgmt guys. let's hope everyone ignores them and they move away. grrrrrr. strange strange humans.

sinlady said...

imp - we all feel bad for the estate management team. some issues they raised are relevant. it's just the nasty tone they use that we object to.

i think we will have a block party if they ever leave :)

Anonymous said...

as long as they dont turn out like the ones at everitt road! apparently they moved elsewhere and the poor residents at the new place are damn scared. - EDPJ

tuti said...

anonymous's comment reminds me of the pair of sisters who are banned by ntuc from shopping at their premise.
when the reporter went to interview them, the police was there attending to their complaint that their neighbor's soap smell was too strong for their liking. talk about pettiness. and they won some $82k in a SBS transit case. bleh.

sinlady said...

edpj - haha. i guess that's what happened here when the family moved over from condo next door.

tuti - nasty people creating nasty situations - gong bei leow (cannot finish talking).