Friday, August 06, 2010

Dance props galore

My collection of accoutrement from different dance forms keep growing.

I have hip scarves, veils, zills, saidi canes, petal skirts, harem pants for bellydance.

I have pau skirts, leis, flower crowns and wristlets for Hawaiian hula.

I have top hat, waist coat, tails, bow ties and cane for Broadway jazz.

I have boas, masks, headress, showgirl costumes, vinyl suits etc etc.

Of course I saw it all coming when I took up folk dance, but I put off the inevitable for as long as I could. I really really have a mind-block about this prop. But the day of reckoning has arrived.

I now add - to my already huge collection of dance accoutrement - the Chinese silk fan! *cringe*

p.s. does it make it any better if I tell you my fan is "watermelon" with the green rind, red meat and black seeds? *double cringe*


tuti said...

heehee. now what is missing is some empress headgear. :p

wildgoose said...

Why didn't pick honeydew melon? hahahaha....

sinlady said...

tuti - oh i cannot wait - the empress headgear and the opera makeup! :0 :0 :0

wildgoose - oh i left out the bit about selection. i didn't get to pick. the aunties did that. they must think watermelon is so me :p

tuti said...

looking forward to your next post. ;)
enjoy your weekend.

dancingbunny said...

woah...I like fans...I had a pair of black feathers fans cos I was doing ATS.

I should get myself a set of pink chinese fans...that is soooo gu niang.

I just added to my collection:
Wings of ISIS

Anonymous said...

this totally shows your love for life :)

cant say much about the melon colored chinese fan tho :P

sinlady said...

bunny - you have MORE accessories than me, i'm sure. feather fans for ATS and wings of isis!! they are beautiful.

gu niang pink fans? then you need pink gu niang samfoo costume, gu niang make up and gu niang braided hair with pink fluffy ties haha

i think that's what makes me cringe about the cheena costumes...i am really too old and too tall for this cute pretty gu niang stuff.

sinlady said...

tuti - soon. and thanks :)

edpj - i think it shows i have a hard time telling the aunties NO! I DON'T WANT!

you think the lotus pink and white may be better? haha

imp said...

i was going to say that it's very cheena leh. and no, the pink and white wouldn't be better! nothing more stylish

DO NOT, for whatever reason, bun your hair. DO NOT. Not one bun and definitely not 2 buns atop. Go imagine.

sinlady said...

imp - black so not in with the cheenas :(

i forgot all about the hair buns! *cringe cringe cringe* haha