was the month- It began to look a lot like Christmas everywhere.
- Orchard Road got all glitzed and lit with Christmas kitsch. I am particularly tortured and haunted by the huge banner straddling the road at Patterson that reads "A Christmas all decked out". Where is the signage police team when you need them?
- I finally got my head around the fact that when our venerable national newspaper announces any grand plan to better look after the senior citizens, third-agers, retirees who might outlive their savings and should consider returning to work now, it is talking about me. And I shudder to think of the fate that awaits me.
- I started baking for the festive season ahead. Suji cookies is my favourite confectionery to make this year.
- I started making a list of the parties that await me in the weeks ahead; I am carefully checking it twice to make sure I don't get trapped into going to the dud ones.
- I knew everthing was going to be alright.
I would expect someone so organized like you would have had your retirement all planned out. But it's an issue affecting everyone.
wildgoose - it affects everyone; few are prepared for life after work financially or emotionally. it's just that i take objection to the tone they use as if the old people are irresponsible with their choices.
I think I'm just numb to their patriarchal nagging. Just know that I'll have to depend entirely on myself to survive in my old age, and don't expect the government to help me out. Nvm that some civil servants still get pension.
wildgoose - their target that retirement plans are self-funded is sound. i just don't like their tone like as if people just squander their savings when really a lot of people never had a chance to build up any kind of financial nest.
i must say that i love your pic of the little flower pot!!
on the subject of retirement, yah, the govt is trying to make us feel that people have only themselves to blame and are stupid/unreasonable if we are looking towards the govt for help, so that the rest of us wont. i wonder how am i gg to save enuf for retirement ever but there is no point worrying, is it? life still goes on somehow.
edpj - thanks :) nice and quiet picture.
yes, life goes on and we do the best we can. garmen should stop talking down to us old people.
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