Saturday, December 26, 2009

Another year over

So this is Christmas
And what have you done

Another year over

And a new one just begun

A lot actually.

I got rid of useless emotional baggage and feel no guilt. And after an appropriate grieving period, I feel no pain.

And because my load is lighter, I now have the luxury of giving more time and care to the things/people that matter.

I am happier than I have been for a long time.

That is a lot I have done, actually.


suzie wong said...

ooh..thankfully, i wasn't one of the "baggage"..teehee

sinlady said...

suziewong - haha. and how you know?

wildgoose said...

emotional baggage is the hardest to get rid of. whatever it is, I'm glad you did. xoxo

sinlady said...

wildgoose - they're just useless people whom i used to let waste my time and drain my energy. should have ignored them a long time ago.

imp said...

that's a shitload of things you've done! (pardon the language) but these are not easy things to do but you did it. :)

Anonymous said...

heh, nonetheless i must say that your cake was good. but boy was i stuffed on xmas day!

Suzie Wong said...

else i won't be invited to the partay....?

sinlady said...

imp - yes. thanks :)

edpj - i think the 4-course desserts was the undoing of all of us haha

suziewong - haha