Saturday, October 18, 2008

A restaurant opening and this woman

I must have a short memory. I have forgotten about the extremely absurd and bizarre nature of this woman.

So when the bellydance girlfriend got all excited about the grand opening celebration of an Egyptian themed bar-restaurant and managed to get me an invitation, I agreed to go.

Only to be told at the door of the restaurant by the woman that this opening celebration is for special invited guests only. Of course the girlfriend's name could not be found on the guest list. I waited outside till the girlfriend showed up to talk our way back onto the invite list.

For my readers who are curious about the event :-

- the place got over crowded in the extreme (so much for special invitees only)
- the crowd was an enthusiastic lot of the happy bar drinking type
- forget the promise of a generous buffet spread - we subsisted on exactly 1 cheese puff, 1 buffalo wing and 1 samosa each
- the bar crew were going full hilt the entire time, so the girlfriend and I hung on to our 1 drink for the entire 2 hours that we stayed, quenching our thirst by sucking on every last ice cube left in our glasses
- the bellydancers were generous and gracious with their stage time, as always
- the rest of the time was taken up by a talkative emcee, audience games and a snake charmer. To be fair, the audience participants were great sports with dance and acting talent,
- from where we sat/stood, the girlfriend and I only caught bits and pieces of what went on on stage. A glimpse of wrist, a wisp of hair, a quick peek of red hip belt.

We left when the segment drew to a natural close and adjourned to a nearby restaurant to collect our senses. This competitor restaurant was an oasis of civilization to our frayed nerves.

We never went back to find out if there was a second segment to the evening. We had to shore up our energy to face another of the woman's events tonight.


eatdrinkplayjunkie said...

seems like quite a number of these belly dance events can be badly organised, no?

wildgoose said...

I am so glad I did not attempt to gatecrash the event as friend suggested. Gala is any better?

Anonymous said...

it sounds terrible.

how can they stinge and go so badly on logistics? eioow.

sinlady said...

edpjunkie - not true lah! this one just really has problems.

wildgoose - gala bad in a different way.

imp - i swear it's worse than i can describe in words. and i really do put up with a lot stuff without complaining.