Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Bellydancer Quiz

What Kind of Belly Dancer are You?

You are a Cabaret Belly Dancer! You're what people think of when they hear the words "belly dancer" -- the beaded bra and belt, the nightclub routine, the doumbek and the zills. Equally at home in a restaurant or at a hafla, your routine is a crowd-pleaser no matter who's watching! Keep shimmying!
Take this quiz!

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I LOVE this!! If you take the quiz, let me know your result please?


Suzie Wong said...

Me the American tribal type, not authentic, but who , cares....hahaha...that's what it says....Not the least bit surprised but i thot i'll have a streak of cabaret

Anonymous said...

I did a disney princess quiz once, and it told me i was Mulan.

wildgoose said...

m a cabaret dancer. hmm... thought cabaret is more glam type leh. I don't think i'm one. hahah..

sinlady said...

suziewong: american tribal hypnotic/trance mah. Good style.

johnnyM: so sweet heheheh

wildgoose: what do u identify with? Most answers turn up cabaret or American tribal. Surprisingly folkloric is a distant third.

wildgoose said...

Didn't know can view all results. Cabaret seems the closet. :P classical would probably be the next closest for me.

Heh.. the quiz is definitely american-centric. that's why the kind of results.

3A Gurl said...

I got "Goddess Dancer" and the accompanying prediction that a veil accompanies me everywhere?!!!

sinlady said...

wg: yes

3a gurl: oh, that suits you to a T !!

Jodie said...

Glad you like my quiz!!! I got American Tribal ... :-) I think it suits me most though ...

sinlady said...

jodie: LOVE the quiz. My bellydance friends love it too obviously :) Good to see you here.