Monday, August 01, 2011


was the month
I spent too much time thinking, just thinking, of ways to escape the clutches of wretched souls who seek to subsume the life I have made for myself. I was distracted, ineffective, unproductive. Unfinished business was starting to pile up.

Not anymore. I am myself again. I am back. Because

I accepted the fact that wretched people will always be with me. And so, having realised that they are a constant in my life, I can move on. So long as I never underestimate the ability of such wretched people to subsume me with their wretchedness, I will be alright.

I have not started to write in my closed blog. It isn't a pressing matter anymore. You will hear from me when I get it up and running; I have not forgotten you :)

For now, I am happy to know this: I am back.


Jo said...

gosh! I've just written after more than a month of silence... and I totally get what you're saying here.. totally! It hasn't been an easy month for me too. And guess what? I can't even think of a better title than "July". haha! (that's a wry laugh by the way) Well, July has come and gone. Here's to a great August! :)

wildgoose said...

"having realised that they are a constant in my life, I can move on." That is so true. I so need to hear that now.
Welcome back. :)

sinlady said...

jomel - so good to see you again! "july" is a perfectly good title :)

wildgoose - thanks :)

imp said...

take your time.

sinlady said...

imp - thanks :)

Anonymous said...

i swallowed so much that it's hard to purge anything out.

sinlady said...

tuti - *sayang* just know you always have friends.

Anonymous said...

way to go :) - EDPJ

sinlady said...

edpj - :) and looking forward to seeing you again soon!!