Wednesday, April 14, 2010

An alternative investment

There are many alternatives to wealth creation besides investing in the stock market. There are bank-bundled products, foreign currencies, land banks. And for the uber-snobbish, there is investment in fine, rare, collectible wines.

say wine investment outperforms the stock market and is recession proof.

Detractors say wine is not an investment.

Then there is this.


wildgoose said...

I didn't read the articles in details but I'm inclined to go with the detractors.

but well, you definitely can't keep a bottle of wine indefinitely.

sinlady said...

wildgoose - i don't believe in wine as investment. just drink the damn thing! same way i feel about investment diamonds. just wear the damn thing.

the book billionaire's vinegar is an excellent read.

wildgoose said...

ah... one more thing to check out. =P

sinlady said...

wildgoose - you know, the thing is diamonds are not even rare! go read The Heartless Stone.

wildgoose said...

Ok! Will check them out once they're available at the library. :p

sinlady said...

wildgoose - i think these books will change conventional perception. even if not, they are a good read.

imp said...

and whisky too. but i don't view it as an investment, not really- it gives me pleasure. but at least if i don't want to drink it, i'll be able to sell it very easily at a profit.

sinlady said...

imp - ah yes, then there is whisky :)