Thursday, April 01, 2010


was the month

- I did not hear from mother. I said to the sister she's either too busy rumour mongering to more sympathetic ears, or she has totally forgotten about me. The sister says its the former. I don't know how I feel about that, and decided it doesn't matter.

- A handful of old friends found me on FB. I am surprised I am not simply forgotten. One of them was my collaborator for the small community newsletter I wrote for, edited, and published. The other is currently doing my job. I am happy to know the newsletter is still alive. They are arranging for past copies to be sent to me. Words cannot express how touched I am about their graciousness.

- I am happy to see an old friend back in town for a short visit - and happier to learn she has written a second book. I admire her for turning adversity to advantage.

- The man is itching again to "go somewhere". It's only been 5 weeks since we got back and have only just settled into our routine! But I am not complaining. I have never been to Tokyo and Osaka.


wildgoose said...

Has it only been five weeks? That's quick.

I must remember, to turn adversity to advantage, and not let him depress me. :)

Anonymous said...

finally u guys are thinking of going to japan!

sinlady said...

wildgoose - yes. now 6 weeks. time flies.

it's a tough thing to do, and a tough time to live through. don't beat up on yourself too much.

edpj - yes. i cannot believe it still haha