Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A firm maybe date in Singapore

The lousy friend who went all silent on me when I broached the possibility of visiting her is in town for a week-long visit.

I told her first chance I could, when she called, that I would be here only the next 4 days of her stay. I would be leaving for Europe on the weekend.

Let's do lunch or something, she suggested. As soon as she got a few urgent business out of the way, she qualified. I said yes, let's, and to let me know when in the next 3 days. Alright, she said, and said her goodbye with let's play it by ear then. A rather redundant pronouncement, I thought.

I will put this aside as another firm maybe date. I will also put aside the very glaring omission on her part to mention the months of silence from when I wrote her about visiting.

I guess she took that as only a firm maybe arrangement.

I think I am beginning to get the hang of dealing with firm maybe's...


LuLu said...

What bizarre behavior!

Anonymous said...

maybe just leave her your contact no in paris and let her call u when she is sure. so that you dont have to hear her firm maybes again! - EDPJ

sinlady said...

lulu - i don't understand any of it either.

edpj - basically i told her (again) the days will be in paris, and told her to text me when she knows what's going on with her. it really doesn't matter whatever she ends up doing or not doing. u enjoy the weekend at the pole show/competition!