Friday, February 22, 2008

A winter's tale

Xian, Saturday 16 February, 8am

Some incongruent noise jotted me out of my deep sleep. Reluctantly, I peered at the clock on the bedside table. 8am. I was not ready to get out of bed. I knew it was a dreary grey wintry morning outside, with temperature failing to even make zero degree C.

Then I heard it. Beyond my bed headboard. Coming from the room next door. Eck, eck, eck in 2- second tempo. That's her entire range of sexual noises! Then the eck, eck, eck stopped after 4 minutes. That's their entire sexual repertoire!

If I have to be woken from my precious sleep by love-making noises, I really wished that it would be the truly inspired, deeply felt, and earth-moving variety. The kind that would allow me to forgive myself for eavesdropping on somebody's private intercourse. And then be so crass as to tattle about it here.

Instead, I found it hard to forgive those people in the next room for so rudely interrupting my sleep with their insipid 4-minute eck, eck, eck routine.

I know. I am such a grouch in the morning.


wildgoose said...

Lol... Harpist said, you wouldn't want our "neighbours" in Japan who kept us awake till 4am. It sounded like they're making a porn movie. :P

eatdrinkplayjunkie said...

hahaha... where is sound proofing when u need them?

Suzie Wong said...

This is so.o.o.o funny. reminds me of once many years back i went with a bunch of gay entertainers to bangkok. They are the best people to hang out with if you want to know where to get cheap show costumes. Of course their intentions to go there differed from mine. Early one morning I was using the bath before meeting them for breakfast. Very clearly, the sound coming from the next door bathroom was one of a rhythmic "piak piak piak". At breakfast, I ask the one who resided next door "still doing it in the the bathtub huh"? He gave me such an embarrassed glare and then broke out in laughter and said "I was afraid I'd wake you up if do in the room!" hahaha.

Anonymous said...

wah lau! i'd be DAMN MOODY if i'm woken by these sounds in the morning lor.

sinlady said...

wg - 4am? *gasp* oh tolong!

edpj - not in hotel rooms!

suziewong - haha

imp - my sentiment exactly

zewt said...

2 seconds interval... it was certainly a 'regular' intercourse... nothing out of the ordinary...


sinlady said...

zewt - haha

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