Sunday, February 24, 2008

Springtime in Xi'an

Xi'an, February 15 - February 18

It is spring time in the city. The highest temperature registered 3C for maybe all of two hours in the 3 days we were there. Most of the time it was -3C and we would be grateful it wasn't any lower.


wildgoose said...

Brrr.... I was already feeling so cold at 1.4 degrees C in Kyoto. Can't imagine any colder.

sinlady said...

wg - at these extreme temps, u realize that every half degree matters! at -7C my finger tips turned blue and felt like they were going to drop off! and i had gloves on!

Suzie Wong said...

this cai shen so much cuter than our hongbao river one

sinlady said...

suziewong - ya, the cai shen very cute :)