Sunday, October 31, 2010

Night of Chili Crab

We had planned a Chili Crab night with the friends but it was a long time coming because of busy work/travel/social schedules. Finally, it was D-Day.

It was such a biggie with the guys. A whole week before the date, the man went every day to the crab vendor to check on the supply of fresh crabs. The man's BFF said if there were no crabs at this one location on the day, they will both source from another vendor across the island.

Thankfully, picking up the crabs did not pose a problem. In fact, the crabman helped us select the crabs.

Then the furious cooking among the friends. The final spread - freshly rolled Vietnamese spring roll (not featured in picture), sambal prawns, fried bee hoon, chili crabs. We actually had to struggle to put away some of the cakes came dessert time.

We had a grand time putting the dinner together. But, oh the work!

I think we will let the Chili Crab restaurants do the cooking the next time Crab fever hits.


zewt said...

frankly speaking... i prefer the butter crabs...

wildgoose said...

I'm not particularly fond of crabs but that looked really sumptuous. I can imagine it's a lot of work! It's a lot of work just to eat them. haha...

wildgoose said...

Forgot to say, the little pumpkins are a really nice touch. :)

sinlady said...

zewt - ok :)

wildgoose - crabs is just a lot of work period.

pumpkins are cute. i did not even think halloween till i saw them.

tuti said...

the crabs look yummilicious. but i only know how to pick at them. :(

sinlady said...

tuti - you a smart woman :)